петък, 16 април 2010 г.

Purchase process and Flow - Education

I've just finished another education at SDU dedicated on Purchase order flow and MRP. In general, I've noticed that the students were not very clear with the MRP since it is one of the most difficult stuff out there, so I've added it again, and next time I will start again with MRP case study.

The education was the same format: Basic explanation how to navigate to the Purchase order module, what are the differences in the integrated functionalities, how to create a new Purchase order, the flow itself, MRP methods used, and finally there was a case study of three parts.

The documents could be reviewed here:


Supplementary document:

събота, 10 април 2010 г.

Sales and MRP process in Microsoft Dynamics

I've just finished this Friday the second training for students the SDU on Microsoft Dynamics as a part of my FYP.

Here are the output documents:

Sales Process And MRP, the second presentation on Microsoft Dynamics as a part of my FYP http://slidesha.re/9Ef681

The supplementary document for Sales Process And MRP training

четвъртък, 25 март 2010 г.

First lesson on Microsoft Dynamics AX finished...

Slides and materials are available here: http://www.slideshare.net/SartorBG

I just finished a teaching lessons on Microsoft Dynamics AX as a part of my engineering final year project which included:

+General Introduction to ERP systems
+Introduction to MS Dynamics AX
-Interface navigation
-Adding, deleting and editing records
-Data integrity
-Case study - students were separated in groups of 4-5 people as they presented different virtual engineering companies. They had a task to add to the system new item (valve), including its components, then connected them into a BOM (bills of materials), and finally to present the whole multi-level bills of materials in the Designer view.

The valve info they used was taken from another project they prepared a month ago during different course.

In the upcoming month of April I will be preparing and teaching other lessons on sales, MRP, purchase flows, routing, workcenters.

In the meantime, I've already finished the back-end analysis of the system and we are in a process of reviewing possible solutions for upgrading to a later version - including hardware, business logic, etc.